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Plastic Vs Wooden Chopping Boards: Which One Is More Hygienic?

Chopping boards are essential kitchen tools that help you prepare food safely and efficiently. But did you know that the type of chopping board you use can affect the hygiene and quality of your food? There are mainly two types of chopping boards: plastic and wooden. Both have their pros and cons, and there is a lot of debate about which one is more hygienic. In this blog post, we will compare plastic and wooden chopping boards in terms of their material, maintenance, durability, and environmental impact, and help you decide which one is more suitable for your needs.

How To Choose The Best Cutting Board for Your Kitchen

When selecting a cutting board, it's important to consider its size, shape, and thickness. You want a cutting board that is big enough to hold your food, but not so big that it takes up too much space on your counter or sink. Additionally, it should be easy to handle and maneuver comfortably while b

Is Plastic Good for Cutting Boards?

There are many types of cutting boards available in the market, such as wood, bamboo, glass, and plastic. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on your preferences and needs. But among them, plastic cutting boards are one of the most popular and widely used options. But is plastic good for cutting boards? In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of plastic cutting boards and help you decide if plastic material is good for cutting boards.

Do You Know How to Straighten A Warped Plastic Cutting Board?

If you're dealing with a warped plastic chopping board, it can be a frustrating and challenging issue to address. In this article, we'll discuss some potential solutions to help you straighten out your warped plastic chopping board. Firstly, it's important to understand why plastic chopping boards m

Are Plastic chopping Board Safe?

The cutting board is a very common tool in home kitchen, with both wooden and plastic options being commonly used. However, there is debate about the safety of plastic cutting boards. While some people believe that food-grade plastic is completely safe, others have concerns about its potential harm to human health. To gain a better understanding, let's take a closer look at the detailed introduction from plastic cutting board manufacturers.

How to clean and disinfect Plastic Cutting Board

The plastic cutting board is convenient and does not absorb moisture and is easy to handle. However, the knife may leave cracks on it that can trap dirt, making it difficult to clean with regular decontamination powder. To clean it effectively, you can dip a sponge in bleach, and then use it to scrub the board, and rinse it thoroughly with water.

Kitchen Plus has been in operation since 2008. Throughout the years, we have utilized the latest innovative technologies to design, develop, and produce a diverse selection of high-quality kitchenware.
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